
Free Online English Classes. Lesson 12 – Дарси 12


1. What is a computer?
Компютер чист?
a) An electronic machine that can store and recall information, do many processes on it.
b) The machine which is used for sending or receiving copies of primed material, letters, pictures, etc. along a telephone line.
c) An international network of computers. It has electronic mail and provides a large amount of information.
d) An electronic system which joints a group of computers. People can send messages to each other on their computers.
2. Please give an explanation to word “fax”.
Лутфан, калимаи «fax»-ро шарҳ диҳед.
a) The machine which is used for sending or receiving copies of primed material, letters, pictures, etc. along a telephone line.
b) An international network of computers. It has electronic mail and provides a large amount of information.
c) A system for sending or receiving speech over long distances.
d) An electronic system which joints a group of computers. People can send messages to each other on their computers.
3. What is an E-mail?
Почтаи электронӣ чист?
a) An electronic system which joints a group of computers. People can send messages to each other on their computers.
b) A system for sending or receiving speech over long distances.
c) An electronic machine that can store and recall information, do many processes on it.
d) An electronic machine that can store and recall information, do many processes on it.
4. Please give an explanation to word “telephone”.
Лутфан, калимаи «telephone»-ро шарҳ диҳед.
a) A system for sending or receiving speech over long distances.
b) An electronic system which joints a group of computers. People can send messages to each other on their computers.
c) An electronic machine that can store and recall information, do many processes on it.
d) The machine which is used for sending or receiving copies of primed material, letters, pictures, etc. along a telephone line.
5. What is an Internet?
Интернет чист?
a) An international network of computers. It has electronic mail and provides a large amount of information.
b) An electronic machine that can store and recall information, do many processes on it.
c) An electronic system which joints a group of computers. People can send messages to each other on their computers.
d) The machine which is used for sending or receiving copies of primed material, letters, pictures, etc. along a telephone line.
6. Translate the following sentence into English.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба англисӣ тарҷума кунед.
Зиёда аз 100,000 ҷузъи иттиллоотро метавон дар як мошина маҳфуз нигоҳ дошт.

a) More than 100,000 pieces of information can be stored in a computer machine.
b) More than 100,000 pieces of information cannot be stored in a computer machine.
c) Much then 100,000 pieces of information can be stored in a computer machine.
d) More then 100,000 pieces of information can be stored in a computer machine.
7. Translate the following sentence into English.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба англисӣ тарҷума кунед.
Компутерҳо барои мо кор мекунанд, аммо онҳо барои мо фикр карда наметавонанд.

a) Computers work for us, but they cannot think for us.
b) Computers work for us, but they can think for us.
c) Computers cannot work for us, but they can think for us.
d) Computers can work for us, but they can also think for us.
8. Translate the following sentence into English.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба англисӣ тарҷума кунед.
Мошинаи электронӣ дар як вақт метавонад вазифаи ҳазорон риёзидонҳоро бе хато иҷро кунад,

a) Electronic machine does the work of thousands of trained mathematicians without the mistakes,
b) Electronic machine doesn’t do the work of thousands of trained mathematicians without the mistakes,
c) Electronic machine cannot do the work of thousands of trained mathematicians without the mistakes,
d) Electronic machine does the work of thousands of trained mathematicians with a lot of mistakes,
9. Which of the following sentences is in passive voice?            

Кадоме аз ин ҷумлаҳои зерин дар ҳолати мафъул омадааст?

a) These letters will be mailed tomorrow.
b) The secretary will mail these letters tomorrow.
c) Tomorrow I will send these letters.
d) The secretary won’t send these letters tomorrow.
10. Which of the following sentences is in passive voice?            

Кадоме аз ин ҷумлаҳои зерин дар ҳолати мафъул омадааст?

a) Cryptography is no longer a military thing that should not be messed with.
b) It is time to demystify cryptography and make full use of the advantages.
c) Any opinions and evaluations presented here are speculative.
d) Someone wants to send a message to a receiver.
11. Which of the following sentences is not in passive voice?      

Кадоме аз ин ҷумлаҳои зерин дар ҳолати мафъул наомадааст?

a) The computer operator wants to be sure that no-one else can read the message
b) The author cannot be held responsible for their correctness
c) Basic terminology and the main methods of cryptography are presented.
d) In cryptographic terminology, the message is called plaintext or clear text.
12. In which of the following sentences is not used a passive voice?   

Дар кадоме аз ин ҷумлаҳои зерин ҳолати мафъул истифода нашудааст?

a) There is the possibility that someone else opens the letter or hears the electronic communication.
b) Encoding the contents of the message in such a way that hides its contents from outsiders is called encryption.
c) The encrypted message is called the cipher text.
d) The process of retrieving the plaintext from the cipher text is called decryption.
13. In which of the following sentences is not used a passive voice?   

Дар кадоме аз ин ҷумлаҳои зерин ҳолати мафъул истифода нашудааст?

a) Cryptography is the art or science of keeping messages secret.
b) Encryption and decryption usually make use of a key, and the coding method is such that decryption can be performed only by knowing the proper key.
c) Cryptography is the art or science of keeping messages secret.
d) Strong cryptographic algorithms are designed to be executed by computers or specialized hardware devices.
14. Translate the following sentence into English.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба англисӣ тарҷума кунед.
Криптология – шохаи илми математика буда, асосҳои математикии методҳои криптографиро меомӯзад.

a) Cryptology is the branch of mathematics that studies the mathematical foundations of cryptographic methods.
b) Cryptology is the branch of mathematics that doesn’t study the mathematical foundations of cryptographic methods.
c) Cryptography is the branch of mathematics that studies the mathematical foundations of cryptographic methods.
d) Cryptology isn’t the branch of mathematics that does not study the mathematical foundations of cryptographic methods.
15. Translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
It is time to demystify cryptography and make full use of the advantages.

a) Вақте расид, ки асрори криптографияро бикушоем ва аз имтиёзҳои он самаранок истифода кунем.
b) Вақте расид, ки асрори криптологияро бикушоем ва аз имтиёзҳои он самаранок истифода кунем.
c) Вақте расид, ки криптографияро биомӯзем ва аз он сӯиистеъмол кунем.
d) Вақте расид, ки асрори криптографияро бикушоем.
16. Translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
You might be sent to America by your company in August

a) Шуморо шояд моҳи август аз тарафи ширкататон ба Амрико фиристонанд.
b) Шуморо бояд моҳи август аз тарафи ширкататон ба Амрико фиристонанд.
c) Шуморо набояд моҳи август аз тарафи ширкататон ба Амрико фиристонанд.
d) Шуморо моҳи август аз тарафи ширкататон ба Амрико фиристонанд.
17. Translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
This problem can be solved.

a) Ин масъаларо метавон ҳал кард.
b) Ин масъаларо шояд ҳал кард.
c) Ин масъаларо набояд ҳал кард.
d) Ин масъаларо нашояд ҳал кард.
18. Translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
This task should be fulfilled by the end of the week

a) Ин супориш бояд то охири ҳафта иҷро шавад.
b) Ин супориш бояд то охири сол иҷро шавад.
c) Ин супориш шояд то охири ҳафта иҷро шавад.
d) Ин супориш бояд то ҳафтаи оянда иҷро шавад.
19. Translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
Modern computers are widely used nowadays by small and big firms.

a) Имрӯзҳо компутерҳои муосир аз сӯи ширкатҳои хурду калон васеъ истифода мешаванд.
b) Имрӯзҳо компутерҳои муосир аз сӯи мактабҳои хурду калон васеъ истифода мешаванд.
c) Имрӯзҳо компутерҳои кӯҳна аз сӯи ширкатҳои хурду калон васеъ истифода мешаванд.
d) Имрӯзҳо компутерҳои муосир аз сӯи ширкатҳои хурд васеъ истифода мешаванд.
20. Translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
The young engineer has been offered a new job by the company.

a) Ширкат ба муҳандиси ҷавон кори нав пешниҳод кард.
b) Ширкат ба муҳандиси миёнсол кори нав пешниҳод кард.
c) Ширкат ба муҳандиси пир кори нав пешниҳод кард.
d) Ширкат ба муҳандиси ҷавон коре пешниҳод кард.
21. Translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
Mark called on Naomi while he was in town.

a) Марк он даме ки Наомӣ дар шаҳр буд, ӯро зиёрат кард.
b) Марк он даме ки Наомӣ дар шаҳр буд, ба ӯ занг зад.
c) Марк он даме ки Наомӣ дар шаҳр буд, ӯро ҷеғ зад.
d) Марк он даме ки Наомӣ дар шаҳр буд, ӯро зиёрат накард.
22. Translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
Julie came across some photographs of her grandparents in the attic.

a) Ҷулӣ тасодуфан якчанд расмҳои бобову бибиашро дар болохона (чердак) ёфт.
b) Ҷулӣ тасодуфан якчанд расмҳои бобову бибиашро дар таҳхона (подвал) ёфт.
c) Ҷулӣ якчанд расмҳои бобову бибиашро аз болохона (чердак) гирифт.
d) Ҷулӣ тасодуфан якчанд расмҳои бобову бибиашро аз болохона (чердак) наёфт.
23. Translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
He finally got around to painting the windows.

a) Оқибат ӯ рангубори тирезаҳоро анҷом дод.
b) Оқибат ӯ рангубори тирезаҳоро натавонист анҷом диҳад.
c) Оқибат ӯ тирезаҳоро ранг накард.
d) Оқибат ӯ рангубори тирезаҳоро анҷом надод.
24. Please find a sentence in present perfect tense.

Лутфан, ҷумлаеро дар замони ҳозираи мутлақ ёбед.

a) My friends have performed a wonderful scene in the classroom.
b) The wonderful scene is performed by my friends in the classroom.
c) My friends performed a wonderful scene in the classroom.
d) My friends are performing a wonderful scene in the classroom.
25. What is called a method of encryption and decryption?

Методи рамзнависӣ ва рамзкушоиро чи меноманд?

a) A method of encryption and decryption is called, a cipher.
b) A method of encryption and decryption is called, a private-key.
c) A method of encryption and decryption is called, a plaintext.
d) A method of encryption and decryption is called, a public-key.
26. What is AMOS Maintenance & Purchase?

Ширкати «AMOS M&P» чист?

a) AMOS M&P is a Windows application for integrated management of maintenance work and costs, stock control and purchasing in geographically spread organizations.
b) AMOS M&P is a Linux application for integrated management of maintenance work and costs, stock control and purchasing in geographically spread organizations.
c) AMOS M&P is a MAC application for integrated management of maintenance work and costs, stock control and purchasing in geographically spread organisations.
d) AMOS M&P is a Vista application for integrated management of maintenance work and costs, stock control and purchasing in geographically spread organisations.
27. Please give an explanation to AMOS M&P, please.

Ибораи «AMOS M&P»-ро шарҳ диҳед.

a) AMOS M&P is a computer-based system for planning and reporting maintenance, and for performing stock control and stock purchasing.
b) AMOS M&P isn’t a computer-based system for planning and reporting maintenance, and for performing stock control and stock purchasing.
c) AMOS M&P is an air-based system for planning and reporting maintenance, and for performing stock control and stock purchasing.
d) AMOS M&P is a cryptographic system for planning and reporting maintenance, and for performing stock control and stock purchasing.
28. Please, find the translation of the following sentence!

Лутфан, тарҷумаи зеринро ёбед!
AMOS M&P has been developed specifically for companies and organizations with physical plants or installations that are geographically distributed.

a) Ширкати саҳҳомӣ ва сармоявии АМОS махсус барои ширкату завод ва муассисаҳое, ки маҳсулоташ дар гӯшаву канор давр мезанад, инкишоф ёфтааст.
b) Ширкати саҳҳомӣ ва сармоявии АМОS махсус барои мактабу муассисаҳои олӣ пешбинӣ шудааст.
c) Ширкати саҳҳомӣ ва сармоявии АМОS барои ширкату завод ва муассисаҳое, ки маҳсулоташ мухталиф пешбинӣ нашудааст.
d) Ширкати саҳҳомӣ ва сармоявии АМОS барои ҳамаи муассисаҳо пешбинӣ шудааст.
29. Please find a sentence with participle II.

Лутфан, ҷумлаеро бо сифати феълии II ёбед.

a) There was a surprised man in the corner of the hall.
b) A surprising man was in the corner of the hall.
c) I saw a joyful man in the city who was very happy.
d) All the member of the party danced and enjoyed last night.
30. Please find a sentence with participle I.

Лутфан, ҷумлаеро бо сифати феълии I ёбед.

a) Working on my report, I read a number of interesting articles.
b) I was working on my report and I found a lot of articles interesting.
c) I was interested about the new facts after having read new articles.
d) The new articles has been read by me.
31. Please find a sentence with participle I.

Лутфан, ҷумлаеро бо сифати феълии I ёбед.

a) Not knowing his address, we couldn’t write him a letter.
b) I didn’t know his address, that’s for we couldn’t write him a letter.
c) He was not announced by letter because no one knew his address.
d) I was looking for his address because I wanted to write him a letter.
32. What is inflation?

Беқурбшавӣ чист?

a) Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
b) Inflation is a reduction in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
c) Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of history.
d) Inflation is an excellent benefit of economists in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
33. Please translate the following sentence into Tajik.

Лутфан, ҷумлаи зеринро ба тоҷикӣ тарҷума кунед.
Inflation’s effects on an economy are various and can be simultaneously positive and negative.

a) Таъсири беқурбшавӣ дар иқтисодиёт гуногун аст ва метавонад дар як вақт мусбӣ ва манфӣ бошад.
b) Таъсири беқурбшавӣ дар иқтисодиёт гуногун аст ва наметавонад дар як вақт мусбӣ ва манфӣ бошад.
c) Таъсири беқурбшавӣ ба дар иқтисодиёт гуногун аст ва метавонад дар як вақт мусбӣ ва манфӣ набошад.
d) Таъсири беқурбшавӣ ба дар иқтисодиёт гуногун аст ва шояд ҳамеша мусбӣ ва манфӣ шавад.
34. Please find an expression to word “demand”.

Лутфан, шарҳи вожаи “demand”-ро ёбед.

a) the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services
b) the people looking for work and the jobs that are available at that time
c) a period or process in which business activity is reduced and conditions become worse
d) an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts
35. Please find an expression to word “price”.

Лутфан, шарҳи вожаи “price”-ро ёбед.

a) the amount of money you have to pay for something
b) an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts
c) the people looking for work and the jobs that are available at that time
d) a period or process in which business activity is reduced and conditions become worse
36. Please find an explanation to an expression “labour market”.

Лутфан, шарҳи ибораи “labour market”-ро ёбед.

a) the people looking for work and the jobs that are available at that time
b) a period or process in which business activity is reduced and conditions become worse
c) the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services
d) an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts
37. Please find an expression to word “consensus”.

Лутфан, шарҳи вожаи “consensus”-ро ёбед.

a) an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts
b) the amount of money you have to pay for something
c) the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services
d) the people looking for work and the jobs that are available at that time
38. Please find an expression to word “downturn”.

Лутфан, шарҳи вожаи “downturn”-ро ёбед.

a) a period or process in which business activity is reduced and conditions become worse
b) the people looking for work and the jobs that are available at that time
c) the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services
d) the amount of money you have to pay for something
39. Fill in the gaps.

Ҷойҳои холиро пур кунед.
……….. is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services.

a) inflation
b) recession
c) demand
d) supply
40. Fill in the gaps.

Ҷойҳои холиро пур кунед.
High rates of inflation are caused by an excessive growth of the …………

a) money supply
b) scarcity
c) labour market
d) recession
41. Fill in the gaps.

Ҷойҳои холиро пур кунед.
The task of keeping the rate of inflation low and stable is usually given to …………..

a) real demand
b) inflation wage
c) capital projects
d) labour market
42. Fill in the gaps.

Ҷойҳои холиро пур кунед.
Monetary authorities are ………..

a) central banks
b) business owners
c) mainstream economists
d) labour market
43. Please find an explanation to an expression “stock market”.

Лутфан, шарҳи ибораи “stock market”-ро ёбед.

a) the business of buying and selling stocks and shares
b) the basic systems and structures that a country or organization needs in order to work properly, for example roads, railways, banks etc
c) a situation in which organizations try to be more successful than other organizations
d) a group of shops together in one area, often in one large building
44. Please find an explanation to an expression “center shopping”.

Лутфан, шарҳи ибораи “center shopping”-ро ёбед.

a) a group of shops together in one area, often in one large building
b) a public meeting where things are sold to the person who offers the most money for them
c) a situation in which organizations try to be more successful than other organizations
d) the business of buying and selling stocks and shares
45. Please find an expression to word “competition”.

Лутфан, шарҳи вожаи “competition”-ро ёбед.

a) a situation in which organizations try to be more successful than other organizations
b) a public meeting where things are sold to the person who offers the most money for them
c) the business of buying and selling stocks and shares
d) the basic systems and structures that a country or organization needs in order to work properly, for example roads, railways, banks etc
46. Please find a sentence with Gerund.

Лутфан, ҷумлаеро бо герундий ёбед.

a) He dreams of being written a poem in his honour
b) He is dreaming to be famous after some successful published poems.
c) He likes lyric poems in literature.
d) He is a good dreamer to succeed the honour.
47. Please find an expression to word “enterprise”.

Лутфан, шарҳи вожаи “enterprise”-ро ёбед. 

a) a company, organization, or business
b) someone who has borrowed money and has not yet paid it all back
c) the activity of deciding how to advertise a product
d) a moral or legal duty to do something
48. Please find an expression to word “borrower”.

Лутфан, шарҳи вожаи “borrower”-ро ёбед.

a) someone who has borrowed money and has not yet paid it all back
b) an amount of money that is given back to you if you are not satisfied with the goods or services that you have paid for
c) a moral or legal duty to do something
d) a company, organization, or business
49. Fill in the gaps.

Ҷойҳои холиро пур кунед.
………….. is the process of identifying, anticipating and then meeting
the needs and requirements of consumers.

a) marketing
b) product safety
c) refund
d) programming
50. Fill in the gaps.

Ҷойҳои холиро пур кунед.
The job of ………… is to convenience customers.

a) manager
b) sales person
c) consumer
d) econimist
