Скачать Enjoy English. 4 класс. Рабочая тетрадь в 2 частях - Биболетова М.З. и др.

Скачать Enjoy English. 4 класс. Рабочая тетрадь в 2 частях — Биболетова М.З. и др. в PDF, DJVU

Скачать Enjoy English. 4 класс. Рабочая тетрадь в 2 частях — Биболетова М.З.

Enjoy English. 4 класс. Рабочая тетрадь в 2 частях — Биболетова М.З. Рабочие тетради являются неотъемлемой частью УМК «Английский с удовольствием» для 4-го класса. Тетрадь 1 предназначена для формирования лексико-грамматических навыков, умений и чтении в письме. В тетради 2 представлены четыре проверочные работы (в двух вариантах) для итогового контроля.

Английский язык: 4 класс

Автор: Биболетова М.З.

Формат: PDF

Год: 2008, 2011, 2015

Страниц: 80

2008 год

Скачать рабочую тетрадь: DJVU 4 Mb

2011 год

Скачать рабочую тетрадь: PDF 18 Mb

2015 год

Скачать тетрадь 1: PDF 20 Mb

Скачать тетрадь 2: PDF 23 Mb

Read and say: true or false.
1) The Donkey hasn’t got any green grass in winter.
2) Spring comes. It’s rainy and cloudy.
3) In summer the children dive and swim.
4) The Donkey likes summer because it’s very hot.
5) In autumn the Donkey has got a lot of apples and carrots to eat.
Look at the pictures (Ex. 20). Read the sentences in the text to illustrate them.
Спутниками Future Simple (будущего времени) часто являются слова tomorrow (завтра), next week (на следующей неделе), next year (в следующем году), in an hour (через час).
Read and translate (переведи).
1) I will do my homework in an hour.
2) We will play basketball tomorrow.
3) You will get a very nice birthday present tomorrow.
4) She (He) will send me a postcard next week.
5) It will be snowy next winter.
6) They will come to Russia next year.
Help the Donkey to find his favourite season. Tell him what you will do next year (next winter, next spring, next summer, next autumn).
Example: I will make a funny snowman next winter.
Unit 1. Speaking about seasons and the weather

Section 1. What is your favourite season? 5
Section 2. Speaking about the future 11
Section 3. When the weather is fine 16
Section 4. Writing at home 18
Do you remember the words from Unit 1? 19
Test yourself 19
Unit 2. Enjoying your home
Section 1. Describing your house 20
Section 2. What is there in your room? 23
Section 3. Home sweet home 28
Section 4. Writing at home 30
Do you remember the words from Unit 2? 31
Test yourself 31
Project «We’ll visit fairy land next holidays!» 32
Unit 3. Being happy in the country and in the city
Section 1. We like the place we live! 33
Section 2. Are they different: the country and the city? 37
Section 3. People and animals in the country and in the city 44
Section 4. Writing at home 48
Do you remember the words from Unit 3? 49
Test yourself 49
Unit 4. Telling stories
Section 1. Reading last summer story 50
Section 2. In the world of fantasy 54
Section 3. How to ask questions in the Past
Simple 57
Section 4. Writing at home 62
Do you remember the words from Unit 4? 63
Test yourself 63
Project «Let’s write a fairy tale!» 64
Unit 5. Having a good time with your family
Section 1. Being happy together! 65
Section 2. What do you do to help your family? 70
Section 3. Answering phone calls 76
Section 4. Let us try to be polite 80
Section 5. Writing at home 82
Do you remember the words from Unit 5? 84
Test yourself 84
Unit 6. Shopping for everything
Section 1. Shopping for clothes 85
Section 2. There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes 90
Section 3. Shopping for food 92
Section 4. Writing at home 96
Do you remember the words from Unit 6? 98
Test yourself 98
Project «MFM for Stars» 99
Unit 7. School is fun
Section 1. What do we do at school? 100
Section 2. The things you can use in the lesson 103
Section 3. Reading for pleasure 107
Section 4. Writing at home 115
Do you remember the words from Unit 7? 117
Test yourself 117
Project «Diploma» 118
Grammar reference 119
List of irregular verbs 130
English-Russian vocabulary 132.

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